Man these things are hard to find . . . But I'm glad to see that if teachers really are using blogs in their classrooms, the blogs are hard to find. That goes to show that these sites can be well secured if need be.
I found a blog by Mrs. Harwood who seems to be maybe a high school teacher. Her school, location, and pictures are not avaliable. She uses blogs to assign work to her students so that they can build a writing portfolio. Mrs. Harwood'sclassroom blogs can be found by clicking on her name. Her students have pals they communicate with internationally through blogspot and her students work on projects together for their blog postings. It's pretty neat . . . worth checking out.
I think I might have hit the "motherload." I found a site that has a huge list of teachers using blogs. Most of them aren't so much used to educate the students, but more to educate society about the school, the classroom, the students, and so on.
I found one that seemed really neat. It was a young teacher from New Zeland, and she is a newcomer to the blogging world, but she has embraced it and used it to her advantage. She seems really excited about the way the world is changing so rapidly. Ms. Rachel Boyd taught her class of 6-7 year olds how to make a movie/video, how to work with blogs, and other remarkable things. You can find her at this site, and the picture at the top right is of Ms. Rachel Boyd.