Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Paper's Future

This article brought on a mix of emotions. But here's my perspective. We can't stop the world and how it's changing. I don't like it one bit and yet I am part of this "intelligent" generation that's taking the world to the "next level." I think that society is getting ahead of it's self in a power struggle to be the first to do this or that. People are wasting so much time being tied up in all of this junk that they think will make the world a "better place."

Call me crazy, but I want the simple life, the life my grandparents had. I want to live on self sustaining land and spend the weekends with my family and friends. I don't need to be the world's next greatest anything except for what matters . . . wife, mother, daughter, teacher. I don't like the thought of my future grandchildren being more technologically advanced at the age of five than I have ever been or will ever be. It's all way over my head and I know there's nothing I can do to stop it or slow it down. The only thing I can do is try to keep up. But I can promise everyone of you that I won't be found supporting the change.

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